I am playing catch up!
Last Saturday Andrew drove up from Texas to spend Saturday with me!
This was a txt from Friday night!
When he pulled in he arrived with these!!
Yes I almost cryed :)
First Picture of the Day!
We headed out to the Rushsprings Watermelon Fest with my family!!
We had allot of fun! There was a car show and we just walked around!
After that we split from the family and went out to eat! We also played 3 games of bowling! I won the first one but after that it was down hill for me! LOL! First date was a success! :)
We had supper with my family and than had a dessert time for some other family and friends to meet him! It was crazy loud and all over there but he was amazing about it all!
This picture was take just before he left :(
One day was NOT enough time! As we where saying goodbye he turned to me and said "well I guess this is gonna always be the hardest part!" I agree 100%! Long distance relationships officially are old!
I love my Saturday and time with my amazing boyfriend! I think I am in more awe after Saturday with how much God has blessed me with!
I miss him allot but phone call's sorta make up for it!
I will be there in Texas Labor Day weekend so we will have a few day's together!! I cant wait! Only 14 days left :)
These make me so happy! They lasted almost a week!
This is where they are at currently!!
On Sunday my sister and I where all fancy for Church!
Love this Chica so much!!
Well, I will close for now!!!

I had a long distance relationship in college, that we ended up ending in my senior year then my sister had one all through college and they are together today. As long as you two understand each other, it can go the distance :)
Joanna--we never got around to writing down our blogs for each other! Thanks to Google, though, I quickly found yours. ;-) This is such a fun post and it sounds just like you--even though I've only known you officially for 24 hours. Joel and I went bowling back in June, and I also beat him the first game (and lost miserably the second time around.) ;-)
I so enjoyed my time with you and your family and definitely want to keep in touch! You can visit my blog here: www.onebrightcorner.blogspot.com
(My sister, Lauren, and I alternate posts.)
Love and blessings!
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