So, Since I have not really done a Wedding Post so I figured I would!
I am going to give you a sneak peak at a few wedding things I am doing!
This is my cake!
My cake will have Pink lace on it and I will be getting pink flowers as a bunch on top!
We are also having a grooms cake! Andrew loves outdoors and fishing so that will be the theme!
These are a few inspiration ideas for my decorations at the Reception!
I am going for a vintage feel with a tad of rustic and modern in it!
I want to use the book idea for this one! Maybe with a tall vase!
I am not doing table numbers but want to use some of my old bottles!
Doing this just making our own story line!
And doing this! Love this idea!
For the Sancuary at the Baptist Church we are getting married at ( Reception is in the Fellowship Hall so all very close! ) These are a few of my ideas!
I have the big flowers in pink and silver stems and real leaves for the bottom!
I also will be doing lights, and these in pink and white! There just plastic party table clothes!
I also have a personalized Unity Candle and Memorial Candle! I'll show you those in another post!
Things are coming up quickly! On of my Bridesmaids from Texas is on here way up for the weekend today to help me with wedding stuff! We are getting all the flowers at Hobby Lobby tonight! WooHoo fun!

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