Friday, January 9, 2015

Jonathan Wayne is HERE!!!

December 23, 2014....... 9:43pm..... My world changed forever!

December 22,2014 I went into the Hospital to start induction...I was 40 weeks... 9 am the next morning the doctor broke my water! I was in labor for 12hrs...... I only wanted pain meds in my IV.
By 9pm I was only dialated to a 6 and my doctor felt we needed to do a c-section...that was not my birth plan but both myself and Andrew really felt that was best for us as well! We are so glad we did as my body was not letting me dialate anymore. 

The next day Jonathan was having trouble keeping his body heat up and was having some fast breathing so he was admitted to the NICU.

I was discharged on Christmas day and we stayed one more day at the hospital before deciding that it was best for us to go home so we could get rest and just drive back to the hospital twice a day for feeding times so we could see him and spend time with him.
It was hard coming home without a baby, and driving twice a day down to see him.

We were blessed with some amazing nurses for Jonathan and an amazing doctor for him as well! Those ladies loved on him and I never felt like they did not take good care of him.

We were able to bring Jonathan home New Years Eve! How exciting to have are baby home for the New Year!

During all this my parents came down from Oklahoma and helped around the house, took care of the dogs, feed people, and did much much more! I dont know what we would have done without them! I cant thank them enough!

Life is learning a new normal for us now....and there are times I want to sit and cry... but I love this ride!



Mikaela said...

He's adorable--congratulatios!! I'm so glad he is doing better and that you and baby are safe and healthy. God is good!

Miss Angie said...


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