Hey Blog World!
It has been WAY to long, and that is all on me! So, Let me catch you up with my life!
This is going to be mostly a catch up post! Than I have several other things I want to blog about to have more details to this post! So be ready for a girl who is gonna get back into blogging again!
Well...Last time I blogged here I was dating my Texas Boy Andrew....Well, I am no longer dating him...actually October 26th, 2013 Andrew asked me to marry him...and I said YES!
Since then it has been a crazy ride of wedding planning and so much more!
Andrew spent Thanksgiving up here in OK with me and my family! We had allot of fun and went out to Bricktown for my early birthday!
Than December 6th I turned 25! It was great! Went out that weekend with some dear friends and watched The Hunger Games and ate at IHop!
For Christmas I made the 7hr drive down to Lufkin, TX and spent it with Andrew and his family! It was so much fun! We registered at Target and Bed Bath and Beyond, spent time together, spent time with his family,and went on a double date with his sister Anna and her boyfriend James!
I hated to come home, yet work and needing a paycheck to pay for the wedding called me!
We are getting married March 15th, 2014! Yes,,this year!! 54 days! :) I am so excited!
I went for my dress fitting Saturday! I cannot wait for March to get here!
My last day of work here at the glass shop is Feb 28th! I love the people I would for and with and will miss them all allot!
I will be moving to Lufkin after the wedding! So excited to start our new life together!
Well...that is mostly a fast catch up for Y'all! I will have post coming soon on some changes I want to make here on the blog, engagment pictures, story of how we ment, the proposale, and wedding planning, as well as life! So get ready to read read read! I'll try and break them up for y'all!
Also go check out the post below! A review on a really cool Canvas! Love it!

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