I know we should not live our lives just so that others will notice us...but what if, just a small what if, if every one of use would take the above picture and run with it? How crazy would that be?
I know here in the blog world, or in are reals lives, each of us come in contact with allot of people! According to my blog readings, my blog touches allot of lives, all around the world! Ok, maybe they all don't read that much, but who knows who read my (or your) blog! You may be touching THOUSANDS....You have no clue!
So, maybe your story is crazy hard, maybe you are battling health, a death, or something big like that! Or maybe your story is small, and you are just living your life, but lets think if this, maybe that big story, or just living that life, is enough to change just ONE persons life...is that good enough for you?
I know of many very inspiring blog ladies out there, many who have touched my heart so much in my last 5 years of blogging, and some of them may never know that, but they did! Are you willing to touch someone's life?
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In other news, I think its time for a light hearted post here on this old blog! This week I promise!! :)

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