Yep! Its my 23rd Birthday!
Im not sure, but after 21 it just felt like another year. Maybe its the fact that the next "big" birthday is what 30, or is it 50? Im not sure. You get all excited at 16, and then 18, and the 21. But after that, ehhh, im not sure!
Dont get me wrong, I love my birthday and all! Allready this morning I have gotten 34 birthday wishes on facbeook! And I love each person for it. But its not some big thing anymore!
One of those times when you wish you could be a kid again! :)

So Happy Birthday to me! Have some cupcakes Blogger Friends!

Ive been blogging for 2yrs and am now 23! WOW! Allot has happend in all that time!
On to a few other things!
We have are Christmas stuff all up in our house! Well, I must say, we have had it up since before Thanksgiving! I love Christmas! I start playing Christmas music in July! LOL! No, but for real i do! :)
I need to finish a few more Christmas decorating stuff in my room, but were good to go! I'll post pictures here soon!
And I have a small something for all of you!
I started working at Old Navy and right now we are emloyees were giving cards to hand out to family and friends! There redeemable at any Old Navy from the 15th to the 21st! And you get 30% off your order when you use it! If anyone would like one I would be glad to send you one! Just email me at cooking4him at gmail dot com and give me your address!
Well, Ill be off for now!
Pictures of birthday to come!
Happy Birthday friend! I hope you have a great day!! :) I'm so glad you're back to blogging!! :)
Happy Birthday, to a fellow Sag.... there is nothing better than celebrating a birthday. Celebrate my friend!xo HHL
Hi Joanna,
This is Laura of The Luckiest in Love - Just wanted to see if you were still wanting to participate in the ornament swap. Your partner said she hadn't heard from you in awhile and never got your address. If you could contact her (or me) and let us know one way or another, that'd be great!
Happy belated Birthday and I hope it was wonderful!!
Merry Christmas too love!
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