How time fly's when you are having fun!! Or maybe it goes by fast when you are caring for a small human! Im not sure!
Jonathan is now 7 weeks old! It seems like just yesterday that I had him!
We have been enjoying the nice weather the last few weeks here in South East Texas! The sun has been out and it has been warm!
I was able to find a Playgroup right here in our area and Jonthan and I have been to a few of there meetings! It has been so nice to have other Momma's to talk to! And I have been able to make a few more friends too!
Andrew has been busy at work! He just changed his work shedual this week so he will be working four 10 hr days and have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off! It will be nice to have him home for so long!
I have been adjusting to life as a momma and still try to get stuff done around the house! It has not been easy but I am learning!!
I will close for now and leave you with another 2 cute baby pictures!!